Boram Gu*, “Mathematical modelling of membrane CO2 capture for blue hydrogen production”, submitted to IFAC-PapersOnLine for The 13th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems (DYCOPS).
Boram Gu*, “Mathematical modelling and simulation of CO2 removal from natural gas using hollow fibre membrane modules”, Korean Chemical Engineering Research 60(1) (2022) 51-61.
Mei Yan Chong, Boram Gu, Chlöe Harriet Armour, Socrates Dokos, Zhi Chao Ong, Xiao Yun Xu*, Einly Lim, “An integrated fluid-structure interaction and thrombosis model for type B aortic dissection”, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology (2022) 1-15.
Boram Gu, Yu Huang, Emily Louise Manchester, Alun D. Hughes, Simon A. McG. Thom, Rongjun Chen, Xiao Yun Xu*, "Multiphysics modelling and simulation of thrombolysis via activated platelet-targeted nanomedicine", Pharmaceutical Research (2022) 1-16.
Emily Louise Manchester, Dylan Roi, Boram Gu, Xiao Yun Xu*, Kyriakos Lobotesis*, “Modelling combined intravenous thrombolysis and mechanical thrombectomy in acute ischaemic stroke: Understanding the relationship between stent retriever configuration and clot lysis mechanisms”, Life 11(11) (2021) 1271.
Yu Huang+, Boram Gu+, Isabelle I. Salles-Crawley, Kirk A. Taylor, Li Yua, Jie Ren, Xuhan Liu, Michael Emerson, Colin Longstaff, Alun D. Hughes, Simon A. Thom, Xiao Yun Xu*, and Rongjun Chen*, “Fibrinogen-mimicking, multi-arm nanovesicles for thrombus-specific delivery of tissue plasminogen activator and targeted thrombolytic therapy”, Science Advances 7(23) (2021) eabf9033.
+These authors contributed equally to this work
Boram Gu*, Claire S. Adjiman, Xiao Yun Xu*, “Correlations for concentration polarization and pressure drop in spacer-filled RO membrane modules based on CFD simulations, Membranes 11(5) (2021) 335.
Mei Yan Chong, Boram Gu, Bee Ting Chan, Zhi Chao Ong, Xiao Yun Xu, Einly Lim*, “Effect of intimal flap motion on flow in acute type B aortic dissection by using fluid-structure interaction”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 36(12) (2020) e3399.
Yu Huang, Boram Gu, Liu Cong, Kustin Stebbing, Wladyslay Cedroyc, Maya Thanou, Xiao Yun Xu*, “Thermosensitive liposome-mediated drug delivery in chemotherapy: mathematical modelling for spatio-temporal drug distributions and model-based optimisation”, Pharmaceutics 11(12) (2019) 637.
Boram Gu, Andris Piebalgs, Yu Huang, Dylan Roi, Kyriakos Lobotesis, Colin Longstaff, Alun D. Hughes, Rongjun Chen, Simon A. Thom, Xiao Yun Xu*, “Computational simulations of thrombolysis in acute stroke: Effect of clot size and location on recanalisation”, Medical Engineering & Physics 73 (2019) 9-17.
Yu Huang, Li Yu, Jie Ren, Boram Gu, Colin Longstaff, Alun D. Hughes, Simon A. Thom, Xiao Yun Xu, Rongjun Chen*, “An activated-platelet-sensitive nanocarrier enables targeted delivery of tissue plasminogen activator for effective thrombolytic therapy”, Journal of Controlled Release 300 (2019) 1–12.
Boram Gu, Andris Piebalgs, Yu Huang, Colin Longstaff, Alun Hughes, Rongjun Chen, Simon Thom, Xiao Yun Xu, “Mathematical modelling of intravenous thrombolysis in acute ischaemic stroke: Effects of dose regimens on levels of fibrinolytic proteins and clot lysis time”, Pharmaceutics 11(3) (2019) 111.
Andris Piebalgs+, Boram Gu+, Dylan Roi, Kyriakos Lobostesis, Simon Thom, Xiao Yun Xu, “Computational simulations of thrombolytic therapy in acute ischaemic stroke”, Scientific Reports 8(1) (2018) 15810.
+These authors contributed equally to this work.
Boram Gu, Claire S. Adjiman, Xiao Yun Xu*, “The effect of feed spacer geometry on membrane performance and concentration polarisation based on 3D CFD simulations”, Journal of Membrane Science 527 (2017) 78–91.
Boram Gu, Xiao Yun Xu, Claire S. Adjiman*, “A predictive model for spiral wound reverse osmosis membrane modules: the effect of winding geometry and accurate geometric details”, Computers & Chemical Engineering 96 (2017) 248–265.
Nur Muna Mazlan, Patrizia Marchetti, H.A. Maples, Boram Gu, Santanu Karan, A. Bismarck, Andrew G. Livingston*, “Organic fouling behaviour of structurally and chemically different forward osmosis membranes – A study of cellulose triacetate and thin film composite membranes”, Journal of Membrane Science 520 (2016) 247–261.
Do Yeon Kim, Boram Gu, Joon Ha Kim, Dae Ryook Yang*, “Theoretical analysis of a seawater desalination process integrating forward osmosis, crystallization, and reverse osmosis”, Journal of Membrane Science 444 (2013) 440–448.
Do Yeon Kim, Boram Gu, Dae Ryook Yang*, “An explicit solution of the mathematical model for osmotic desalination process”, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 30(9) (2013) 1691–1699.
Jae Sung Kim, Dae Hun Kim, Boram Gu, Do Yeon Kim, Dae Ryook Yang*, “Simulation of Taylor–Couette reactor for particle classification using CFD”, Journal of Crystal Growth 373 (2013) 106–110.
Boram Gu, Do Yeon Kim, Joon Ha Kim, Dae Rryook Yang*, “Mathematical model of flat sheet membrane modules for FO process: Plate-and-frame module and spiral-wound module”, Journal of Membrane Science 379 (2011) 403–415.
Do Yeon Kim, Myoung Ho Lee, Boram Gu, Joon Ha Kim, Sangho Lee, Dae Ryook Yang*, “Modeling of solute transport in multi-component solution for reverse osmosis membranes”, Desalination & Water Treatment 15 (2010) 20–28.