We are interested in investigating various physical phenomena present in chemical, biological and environmental systems via computational modelling and in utilising computer models for model-based optimisation to offer better system and process designs and operating conditions.
Below are the main research areas, including but not limited to:
Chemical & Environmental Systems
Water treatment and desalination via membranes
Membrane gas separation and gas-liquid membrane contactors
Carbon capture and utilisation
Steam reforming and dry reforming of methane
Biomedical Systems
Blood flow and drug transport in the cardiovascular system
Targeted drug delivery in cancer therapy
Clot-dissolving treatments (thrombolysis)
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
Ongoing Projects
Project Title: “Development of MDG membrane system for removal of trace dissolved oxygen in ultra-pure water production”
Funded by Korea Environmental Industry and Technology Institute (KIETI), South Korea (April 2021 - December 2024)-
Computational fluid dynamics simulation for hollow fibre membrane modules
Optimisation of membrane module designs for high-performance module development
Project Title: “On the development of fouling-resistant next-generation reverse osmosis desalination technologies via integrated multi-level modelling and model-based optimisation”
Funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea (March 2021 - February 2023)-
Multiscale and multilevel modelling of reverse osmosis and fouling phenomena
Development of an integrated model for reverse osmosis for process optimisation and scheduling
Project Title: “Process modelling, technoeconomic analysis (TEA) and life cycle assessment (LCA) of carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) processes”
Funded by Chonnam National University (May 2021 - December 2022)-
Process modelling of Membrane-based carbon capture and chemical absorption
Process modelling of methanol synthesis and dry reforming for CCU
TEA and LCA of integrated CCU processes
Past Projects
At Chonnam National University
Project Title: “CFD simulation for a scrubber system”
Funded by the Research Institute of Industrial Science & Technology (RIST) (November 2020)-
CFD simulation to investigate the impact of scrubber designs on multiphase mixing
Before Chonnam National University
Project Title: “CFD simulation for a scrubber system”
Funded by the Research Institute of Industrial Science & Technology (RIST) (November 2020)-
CFD simulation to investigate the impact of scrubber designs on multiphase mixing
Project Title: “Technoeconomic analysis (TEA) and life cycle assessment (LCA) of carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) processes"
Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology Information and Communication (KCRC) (March 2019– July 2019)
Project Title: “Simulation of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) tank using computational fluid dynamics (CFD)”
Funded by KSOE (Hyundai Heavy Industries) (March 2019– July 2019)
Project Title: “Stability requirements of stent-grafts in the thoraco-abdominal aorta used as extensions of thoracic stent-grafts, Part 1: Evaluation of flow-induced displacement forces”
Funded by Cryolife+Jotec (industrial sponsor) (October 2017–November 2019)-
CFD simulations for blood flow and flow-induced displacement forces in stent-grafts.
Project Title: “Development of engineered liposomes for targeted thrombolytic therapy”.
Funded by National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Imperial Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) (October 2017–November 2019)-
Multiscale mathematical modelling of clot dissolution in the treatment of ischaemic stroke and optimisation for personalised treatment for stroke patients.
Project Title: “Thermo-electro-mechanical optimisation of an electric motor”
Funded by Innovate UK (April–October 2017)-
Development of a scripted programme for parametric geometry drawing, electromagnetic simulation and motor design optimisation programme.
Project Title: “Modelling of reverse osmosis membrane process and transport phenomena for performance analysis and optimisation”
Funded by BP International Centre for Advanced Materials (BP-ICAM) (April 2013–March 2017)-
CFD simulations for spacers in membrane modules for detailed transfer phenomena in various spacer designs.
Development of “Reverse Osmosis Simulator” using MATLAB graphical user interface and an optimisation programme in gPROMS.
Project Title: “Development of multi-purpose forward-osmosis desalination plant”
Funded by Ministry of Knowledge Economy of Korea (October 2010-August 2012)-
Mathematical modelling of forward osmosis module and pressure retarded osmosis and flowsheet-based simulations of draw solute recovery.
Project Title: “Seawater engineering & architecture of high efficiency reverse osmosis”
Funded by Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs of Korea (September 2009–August 2012)-
Development of a mathematical model of reverse osmosis seawater desalination process.
Project Title: “Modelling of physical absorption into a falling liquid film on a vertical and inclined plate”
Funded by Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD, German Academic Exchange Service) (September–December 2008)